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VBA – Programming Charts

VBA - Programming Charts
Using VBA, you can generate charts based on certain criteria. Let us take a look at it using an example.
Step 1 − Enter the data against which the graph has to be generated.
Step 1 − Enter the data against which the graph has to be generated Shout4Education
Step 2 − Create 3 buttons – one to generate a bar graph, another to generate a pie chart, and another to generate a column chart.
Step 2 − Create 3 buttons - one to generate a bar graph, another to generate a pie chart, and another to generate a column chart Shout4Education
Step 3 − Develop a Macro to generate each one of these type of charts.
' Procedure to Generate Pie Chart
Private Sub fn_generate_pie_graph_Click()
   Dim cht As ChartObject
   For Each cht In Worksheets(1).ChartObjects
      cht.Chart.Type = xlPie
   Next cht
End Sub'
Procedure to Generate Bar Graph
Private Sub fn_Generate_Bar_Graph_Click()
   Dim cht As ChartObject
   For Each cht In Worksheets(1).ChartObjects
      cht.Chart.Type = xlBar
   Next cht
End Sub
' Procedure to Generate Column Graph
Private Sub fn_generate_column_graph_Click()
   Dim cht As ChartObject
   For Each cht In Worksheets(1).ChartObjects
      cht.Chart.Type = xlColumn
   Next cht
End Sub
Step 4 − Upon clicking the corresponding button, the chart is created. In the following output, click on generate Pie Chart button.
Step 4 − Upon clicking the corresponding button, the chart is created. In the following output, click on generate Pie Chart button Shout4Education

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